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WHAT SHOULD I EXPECT FROM MY IV DRIP AT HOME?When you receive an IV drip at home a nurse or doctor will review the reason the treatment is required and conduct a thorough review of your past medical history, allergies and they will then take some observations and if necessary examine you. This is to ensure that it’s safe to administer to you
ARE IV DRIPS SAFE?Yes, IV drips are safe. There is a very small risk of an allergic reaction, just as you might be allergic to a food you haven’t tried before. Our team of doctors and nurses are trained to recognise and treat these reactions quickly and effectively
CAN I STILL TAKE MULTIVITAMINS ALONGSIDE IV THERAPY ?Yes, but you shouldn’t need to take the same vitamins as you have with us. For example if you have a Vitamin B12 Booster Shot with us then you shouldn’t need to take a daily B12 as well. If you have a Vitamin D Booster Shot with us, we would recommend you stop taking any additional Vitamin D supplements.
WHERE ARE OUR PRODUCTS FROM ?Our inventory is obtained from manufacturers and their approved distributors. We retail South Korean and European-manufactured products from established sources, alongside high-quality consumables manufactured in Asia and Europe. The origin and traceability of our products is linked directly to their manufacturers and/or their representatives.
WHO WOULD BE ADMINISTERING THE IV DRIP TREATMENT ?All of our IV infusion specialists are Registered Nurses or doctors who are trained and experienced in administering IV treatments.
HOW LONG DOES IV THERAPY TAKE ?Drip appointments usually last anywhere between 30 to 60 minutes. Booster Shots take less than 5 minutes to administer.
WHAT IS AN IV DRIP?An IV drip is a combination of fluids, amino acids, electrolytes and medications that is injected directly into the body with 100% delivery of benefits straight to the target organs. The effectiveness of an IV drip depends entirely upon what is put into it. While IV infusions aren’t meant to be a substitute for orally taken solutions, they serve as a supplement or alternative solution to quickly restore the body to peak balance and performance.
CAN I HAVE AN IV DRIP IF IM PREGNANT OR BREASTFEEDING ?People who are breastfeeding can have the Basic Hydration Drip and Vitamin B12 Booster Shots. We do not administer Drips or Booster Shots to pregnant people or those actively going through IVF.
WHERE CAN I HAVE MY APPOINTMENT ?As Xpress IV is a mobile service, you can have your appointment almost anywhere. We bring all of the equipment required. All you need to do is have a place to sit back for the appointment, which generally takes less than an hour. You can have your appointment at… Home The gym Office Dormitory Outdoor events Parties Conferences & many more.
DOES IV THERAPY HURT?It is normal for you to experience a small pinch as the needle punctures your skin for cannula insertion. Everyone has their own pain threshold, and we do our best to make each experience as comfortable as possible. We may also apply a topical numbing spray for added comfort.
HOW MANY DRIPS CAN I HAVE IN A DAY/WEEK/MONTH ?The maximum number of IV treatments we recommend you have is 9 in a 6 month period. Depending on what is being administered, we do not recommend more than 2 IV treatments per week.
WHAT RESULTS CAN I EXPECT ?Everyone is different and will therefore experience varied results. Some feel more energised and detoxified after their infusion whereas others may not notice a physical difference but will have more vitamins in their system which are bioavailable for the body to absorb.